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What does it mean better classification

Our big idea in 2014 was to make a smarter and easier way. Discover products. This allows us to see how the lighting Products are organized, presented and experienced.

Which demanded better bulbs

By making sense of what was available, we readily identified

voids in the marketplace and missed opportunities. It was only

natural for us to move into research and development.

현미경을 들여다보는 연구원

Which were completed

by better fixtures.

To help customers get the best out of our bulbs, we needed to

bring luminaires and fixtures up to the same high standard.

Soon, Innovating across the entire lighting ecosystem.

Which called for better

production control.

At that point we have our Idea, design and speed to market.

 so we jumped in I found a product from a good production line.


Landed us USA.

Ultimately WaWaLED We will do our best to sell products to customers at low prices. Continue to deliver our legendary intuition and innovation.

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